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显然有人翻过我的物品3Going through his list of customers is a massive job查阅他的客户名单是个相当费劲的活儿4Every night, they go through the same routine he throws open the bedroom window, she。


我觉得不能,下面是一些解释和不同解释下的例句,你好好看看1经历 The country has gone through too many wars这个国家经历了太多的战争2被通过 The new law did not go through新法案未能通过3讨论 Let#39。

回答参加经受仔细检查被通过参加经受仔细检查被通过 participate in, take part in, undergogo through用光穿过go dig through all翻遍pass go through经过letgothrough current故障时通过的电流go public。

1 通过穿过透过 The rain has gone through my overcoat雨水淋透了我的外衣2 审查,检查讨论 We shall go through these papers together我们将在一起审阅这些论文3 翻找搜寻查看 Mother went thro。


一get through 和 go through 表示“通过某地议案等用完”时可互换使用二1gothrough 经历,经受坏事苦事仔细检查寻找2get through 度过艰难或不愉快的一段时间通过考试审查等。

go through 经历经受大多指痛苦的事情例如The country has gone through too many wars这个国家经历了太多的战争How can she keep smiling after what she’s gone through?在她经历了这一切之后怎么还能保持满脸。

go through 1通过穿过透过\x0dThe rain has gone through my overcoat雨水淋透了我的外衣2审查,检查讨论\x0dWe shall go through these papers together我们将在一起审阅这些论文3翻找搜寻查看。