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Each space telescope builds on the knowledge gained from the previous one In the case of Webb, its mirror is nearly 6 times larger than previous space telescopes, including the retired Spitzer Space Telescope。



binoculars指的是双筒望远镜 nAn optical device,such as a pair of field glasses or opera glasses,designed for simultaneous use by both eyes and consisting of two small telescopes joined with a single focusing。

2006年,欧洲议会批准了一项议案,开始研制欧洲南方天文台的极大望远镜Extremely Large Telescopes,EELT这台望远镜的选址将于2008年年底时确定,可能在南半球预计将于2010年初动工,完全投入使用则要等到2017年设计成本。

再有就是在媒体中频频亮相的, 陆战队最近换装的SSOT狙击手观察望远镜Scout Sniper Observation Telescopes, 其实就是刘波尔德 Mk4型quot鹰眼quot战术观察镜Leupold Mark 4 1240x60mm Horus Vision tactical spotting scope。

n 双筒望远镜例句We looked at the birds through binoculars我们用双筒望远镜观鸟单词用法 NPLURALBinoculars consist of two small telescopes joined together side by side, which you look through in order。
