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我们说结构,那么结构的第一句就应该把一个总体的lead sentence说出来,然后在一步一步development你的idea和topic如果结构混乱,也就让人不知所云了 Speaker may be unable to sustain speech to complete task and may rely heavily;不完整句阶段1电报式句子telegraphicsentence,亦称“电报式言语”儿童1岁半到2岁口语发展过程中的不完整的双词或三词组合在一起的语句2属于不完整句阶段,这时双词句以及经过有限扩展的多词句虽较单词句。
Life is unelectric, untelegraphic it is spent more quietly and it is spent at home If you are capable of enjoying tranquillity, at least by way of occasional contrast to the stir and stress of the present age。
By the time they are going beyond the telegraphic stage, children begin to incorporate some of the inflectional morphemes which indicate the grammatical function of the nouns and verbs used The first to appear is usually。