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钱包那么重要奥普拉美元 Bo$$ Michelle Obama 博亿美元米歇尔奥巴马 Purse so heavy gettin#39 Oprah dollars 钱包那么重要奥普拉美元 I pledge allegiance to my independent girls in here 我宣誓忠于我的独立的女孩在这里 Ooh Baby 哦宝贝 So if you#39re with us, come on let me hear you say。

69美国学生每天早上要首先升旗伴随国歌宣誓右手盖住心脏i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stand ,one nation under god,inPisible ,with liberty and justice for all然后默哀一分钟 78每个教室里老师都准备了如下的东西可以随便。


3 在考场内,监考官将会要求每位考生签署诚信考试承诺书a pledge affirming that you have not given or received assistance during the exam,如若考生拒绝签字,考试成绩将被作废4 Last Name Surname是指姓,First Name Given Name是指名5 对待每一道题都要冷静,不要放弃。


他们帮我们学英语真是太好了It’scareless of you to leave your wallet on the desk 你把钱包落在桌上真是太粗心了* 动词不定式和动名词作pledge prefer propose resolve threaten undertake venture contrive condescend contract aspire hasten plot proceed tell advise show aim prove swear vow。

In all directions to all, treasure pledge Happy Spring Festival! 4年年快快乐乐,岁岁平平安安,收入稳稳当当,钱包鼓鼓囊囊,全家高高兴兴,朋友风风雨雨,爱情卿卿我我,心意原原本本,愿您春节永远开开心心! To be happy, but each in peace, #39income, wallet bulging, the family happily, friend ups。

69美国学生每天早上要首先升旗伴随国歌宣誓右手盖住心脏i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stand ,one nation under god,inPisible ,with liberty and justice for all然后默哀一分钟 78每个教室里老师都准备了如下的东西可以随。