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where plays and performances were held to honor the god剧场被视为献给Dionysus的神圣空间,用于举行戏剧和表演以向神祇致敬5The followers of Dionysus wore masks and costumes to participate in the ecstatic rituals of the godDionysus的追随者戴上面具和服装,参与神明的狂喜仪式;mask mɑsk n 口罩,假面具,掩饰 v 戴面具,掩饰,化装 计算机 掩码 过去式masked 过去分词masked 现在分词masking 第三人称单数masks 形容词maskable。

1口罩英语Mask,英 mɑ#720sk 美 m#230sk2The kids were all wearing animal masks 孩子们都戴着动物面具3She whipped the mask off her face 她刷地一下子把脸上的面具摘掉了4The robbers were wearing stocking masks 强盗戴着长筒袜面罩;#712pro#650t#601kɑ#720l释义网络之间互连的协议语法IP,全称互联网协议地址,是指IP地址,意思是分配给用户上网使用的网际协议的设备的数字标签例句It tracks system IP addresses, netmasks, routes, and gateway information它跟踪系统IP地址网络掩码路由和网关信息。

costumes and masks 音标是 #39k#596stju#601z #601nd mɑsks,可谐音为“#39可奥#39思#39体欧#39俄日恩德马斯克斯”;mask man的音标为英 mɑ#720sk m#230n 美 m#230sk m#230n 意思为假面侠蒙面人面具男1mask 英 mɑ#720sk 美 m#230skn面具面罩假面具护肤膜面膜v掩饰掩藏 例句I learned to have the mask smile, even if I were unhappy。

前一分钟我们的潜水员还在太平洋里用脚蹼游水,下一分钟他就在300英尺高空的一个救火水桶里做蛙泳了2Penguins use their wings as flippers企鹅把翅膀当作鳍来使用3Seals,turtles and penguins have flippers海豹海龟企鹅均有鳍状肢4Do you rent masks and flippers?你出租面罩和蛙鞋。


1、the masks will fall automaticallyThe masks are as shown When the masks fall,pull one of them to your face Cover your nose and mouth then breath normally Place the strap over your head to keep the mask in place If you have an infant,put your mask on first,then put the infant#39。

2、5Take the joker, who treats a stunningly staged bank robbery like his privatevideo game with accomplices in joker masks, blood spurting and only onewinner拿“小丑”来说,他将银行抢劫的精妙布局视作个人电子游戏般,他的帮凶们带着小丑面具,鲜血四溅,而最后只有一个人可以站着。



4、mask英mɑ#720sk美m#230sk,n面具 面罩 假面具 护肤膜 面膜 伪装vt掩饰 掩藏柯林斯词典 1NCOUNT 面具面罩假面 A mask is a piece of cloth or other material, which you wear over your face so that people cannot see who you are, or so that you l。

5、优美的英文句子推荐1Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯2What else is the whole life of mortals but a sort of comedy, in which the various actors, disguised by various costumes and masks, walk。


v放置安置,使前往沿某个方向行驶写上,印上说,表达流向使处于某状态把施加给把寄托在把用在指定价值估计为投入资金提出问题解释put 的现在分词形式3例句Some people dont like putting on masks有些人不喜欢戴。

reuters怎么读介绍如下reuters英#39r#596it#601z 美#39r#596#618t#601z路透社路透路透通讯社双语例句A correspondent for Reuters news agency says he saw a number of demonstrators being beaten路透社通讯员说,他看到一些示威者遭到殴打The nose masks worn。


二例句 1his walking stick was carved with a horse #39s head他的手杖上雕刻着一个马头2On the female #39s chest the ribs and the sternum have been beautifully carved雌鹿的胸部部位上,肋骨民胸骨雕刻得精致传神3Traditional carved masks,called topeng,are also used in。

应是grade 英 gre#618d美 ɡredn等级 年级 职别 成绩等级vt评分 安排 依序排列,依等级排列 评估例句Dust masks are graded according to the protection they offer 防尘口罩根据它们的防护效果分等级复数grades。