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电报telegraph电冰箱fridge电池battery电话打电话phone=telephone电话打电话给telephone电话传呼机beeper电脑,计算机computer 电报telegraph 电冰箱;1传统的四大媒体分别为1报纸2电视3广播4杂志此外,还应有户外媒体网络媒体新媒体,如手机短信 报纸 报纸newspapers是以刊载新闻和时事评论为主;5月1日国际劳动节起源于美国芝加哥的工人罢工 1886年5月1日,芝加哥超过216,000名工人举行总罢工,争取8小时的工作制度After a hard bloody struggle, they finally won To commemorate this great workers#39 movement。


During his tenure of office, railways were laid, mines opened, telegraph service installed, merchant ships built, indust;该监管机构当天已开始向俄罗斯通信和网络运营商发信,要求限制“电报”软件使用网络资源,接到命令的运营商需在24小时内予以落实“电报”软件由俄。

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TELEGRAPHISTS ASSIST Close Captcha Already got a Trove account Sign up for a free Trove account It's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail! With your Trove account you;telephone 电话,telegram 电视节目,television 电视机;甚至各种族也有自己的报纸但是英国目前发行的主要报纸是独立报The Independent,卫报The Guardian,每日电讯报Daily Telegraph,泰晤士报The Time。

其实现在应用市场很多浏览器都有页面翻译功能,你可以多下载几个试下,楼上网友推荐的Eotu浏览器,我也用过,支持将难懂的外文网页一键翻译为中;15, there is going on both sides in a tree or telegraph pole on the road there will be always inside the campus of the road, all of a sudden backward, pretending to be stretched at both sides of the tree or。
