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[alphabetically]alphabetically advanced



2、为您解答 the alphabetically disadvantaged 在字母表上排名不利的人 比如按字母排,A开头的在前面,Y开头的在后面,如果太后经常错失机会,所以不利。

[alphabetically]alphabetically advanced


4、工余 enjoyed 喜欢 享有 enjoy的过去式和过去分词 玩得快乐 alphabetically 照字母顺序排列地 disadvantaged 贫穷的,处于不利地位的 社会地位低下的 不利条件 使处于不利地位disadvantage的过去式和过去分词。

5、Wednesday, December 21, 2005As you can probably see, the anime series have been divided into subcategories alphabetically This is due to the large number of series on the site, which had stretched onto。

6、以下最低限度有265个或多过,请楼主数一数罢那麼落力,能够加分吗?最低限度也不要食言lovely quickly sadly happily beautifully ridiculously wonderfully slowly quietly noisily greatly potentially largely richly poorly。

7、其实,早期打字机键盘是完全按照英文字母表顺序排列alphabetically arranged,这样人们就能轻松记住字母的位置,打字速度非常的快要知道世界上没有那么多的完美,在打字速度快的同时,问题也来了,当时的机械工艺不成熟,打字。

8、Q, R, S, T alphabetically speaking your OK U makes my life complete V means very sweet W, X,Y, Z is fun to one to through the alphabet with you To tell you what you means to merepeat 9DORE。

9、chronologically 按年代地按时间顺序按年代顺序排从历史上 Arranged chronologically, it begins with the novel’s primordial period everything up to 1800 and then marches century by century into the present。

10、二个都是对的重点词汇1label 英 #712le#618bl 美 #712le#618bln标签签条标记不恰当的称谓,绰号,叫法唱片公司v贴标签于用标签标明尤指不公正地把称为The stuff。

[alphabetically]alphabetically advanced

11、美#716kr#594n#601#39l#594d#658#618kl#618adv 按时间的前后顺序排列地 例句Should I answer chronologically or alphabetically?要我按时间顺序还是按字母顺序回答更多示例用法 请采纳 如。

12、NCOUNT A dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings or their translations in another language 词典 例a SpanishEnglish。

13、1 NCOUNT 可数名词词典字典辞书 A dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings or their translations in another languagea We。

14、dictionary 英 #39d#618k#643#601nri美 #39d#618k#643#601neri名词复数 dictionaries n字典辞典词典 用作名词 nThat is not, properly speaking, a dictionary but a grammar book严。

15、做题时你先看问题,再回到原文找到了与第一道题相关的内容再简单看看答案每段的第一句和最后一句尤为重要第一题,第二三段ABC全提到了,紧接着在第三段最后一句说None of these words can give one a full。

16、3The central figures in the development of Impressionism in France, listed alphabetically, wereMary Cassatt Americanborn, she lived in Paris and participated in four Impressionist exhibitions, 18441926Edg。

17、表语从句中,the rot是主语,sets是谓语插入语dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged,做主语的后置定语,意思是姓氏排在字母表后面的人在享受空闲时想出一套理论。

18、各种词性的都有,加起来应该有数千个吧reply, soory, solely, grey, boy, toy, daddy, memory, dictionary, revolutionary, delay, play, lately, silly, destiny, sleepy, accordingly, fly, pussy, busy, cloudy。



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