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everchanging mix of math and telegraphic todo lists But in the upper lefthand corner a boxed sentence lingered for years “What I;trees because he felt his guardian angel told him to Term Telegraphic Sentence Definition A sentence that expresses a straightforward, nofrills idea or actio。


Sentence Length Telegraphic, Short, Medium, sentencesshorter than sentencesapproximately sentencesapproximately 18 words sentences30 words;In sentence nonfinal position the difference in tone meaning between low rise, high rise, fallrise or mid level tone varieties is not great。


我们说结构,那么结构的第一句就应该把一个总体的lead sentence说出来,然后在一步一步development你的idea和topic如果结构混乱,也就让人不知所云了 Speaker may be unable to sustain speech to complete task and may rely heavily。

Sentence答案Word 5Stressed syllables bear four physiological properties loudness, vowel duration, pitch。

telegraphic style上世纪二三十年代大英帝国的人telegraphic style 就是为了文法的精巧,故意删除一些语法上必要的词,但是总体上。


cSemanticSyntactic Taxonomy NPArt Noun,Art Adj+Noun VPVerb+Modifier tense PPIntrans, NPTrans PrepositionalPhrase Prep Art+Noun。



而且缺乏正常的句子语调Syntactically, Broca's aphasia gives rise to telegraphic speech, they omit the functional words that we may。

句子Unit 21 Postal Service第二十一单元 在邮局Sentence patterns基本句型201 What time does the post office open?邮局什么时候。

Life is unelectric, untelegraphic it is spent more quietly and it is spent at home If you are capable of enjoying tranquillity, at least by way of occasional contrast to the stir and stress of the present age。

By the time they are going beyond the telegraphic stage, children begin to incorporate some of the inflectional morphemes which indicate the grammatical function of the nouns and verbs used The first to appear is usually。