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2、英语是The astronauts宇航员,或称航天员,全称宇宙航天员,则指以太空飞行为职业或进行过太空飞行的人确定太空飞行的标准则没有完全统一 在美国,以旅行高度超过海拔80公里50英里的人被称为宇航员astronaut截。

3、a minute, isn#39t this? Astronaut Yeah, Yes it is Britney But I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end Astronaut Well, baby, I went down and got it for you Britney Oh。

4、astronaut的读音英 #712#230str#601n#596t美 #712#230str#601#716n#596tn宇航员航天员太空人 一宇航员 1I can be a doctor, I can be an engineer, I can be。

5、astronaut n太空人, 宇航员 美国传统词典双解astronaut n名词A person trained to pilot, navigate, or otherwise participate in the flight of a spacecraft宇航员在宇宙飞船的飞行中训练来导航。

6、astronaut 宇宙员 balance 称, 平衡blanket 毯子 blackboard 黑板 bottom 底branch 分支 camera 照相机cinema 电影院 centigrade 度character 人物, 性格Christmas 圣诞节citizen 公民 computer 电脑, 计算机conductor 列车员continent 大陆 cont。

7、quotbut i thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the endquotquotwell baby, i went down and got it for youquotquotoh, you shouldn#39t havequotoops!i did it again to your heart got lost in this game。

8、科学家 inventor in#39vent#601 发明家 Chinese ,t#643ai#39niz 中国人 German #39d#658#601m#601n 德国人。

9、Take another look right in my eyes My first love, broke my heart for the first time And now I#39m like Baby, baby, baby hoo I#39m like Baby, baby, baby hoo I#39m like Baby, baby, baby hoo I thought。


10、the Antarctic 南极 Antarctica* n 南极洲 antique n 古董 anxious a 忧虑的,焦急的 any pron 无论哪一个哪些 任何的用于疑问句否定句一些什么 anybody pron 任何人,无论谁 anyhow ad 不管。

11、1Chinese astronaut中国宇航员2taikonaut中国太空人俩者都有中国宇航员的意思只不过Chinese astronaut比较正式一点,多用于书面语句taikonaut则更多应用于口语。

12、范文I have many dreams, such as I am rich in the future Therefore, I can buy all what I want But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut我有很多梦想,比如我希望将来变得富有,这样我。


13、我儿子的理想是当宇航员3 The astronaut can send out a robot which will work on the unknown plant, collecting rocks and minerals, putting up a permanent observation station or traveling far and wide宇航。

14、即使在今天,每当我在晚上看天空,我都会想象在闪烁的星星之间发生着什么I hope to be an astronaut in the future so that I can walk in space我希望将来成为一名宇航员,这样我就可以在太空中行走I want to。

15、AstronautYeah, Yes it is BritneyBut I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end AstronautWell, baby, I went down and got it for you BritneyOh, you shouldn#39t have Oops, I did it。

16、spaceman astronaut 宇航员,航天员 space suit 宇航服,航天服 space shuttle 航天飞机 space telescope 空间望远镜 astronaut 宇航员 star 恒星 stellar 恒星的 intergalactic 星系间的 interstellar 恒星间的 interplaneta。