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[photographic]photographic paper


JPGJPEG是一种网络最为流行的图片格式,全称为Joint Photographic Experts Group;意思上没什么主要区别,主要是photographic image多用在文学作品中体现韵味;I make copy of a photo加洗照片French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints达盖尔,路易斯·雅克·曼德1789-1851法国艺术家和发明家,发明了银版摄影术,能洗出;Photography Exhibition 有搜索引擎其实自己搜索多好呢 怕搜索的翻译部队,特意找了个摄影展的看看 如中国国际摄影艺术展 中国国际影展,全称为中国国际摄影艺术展览,英文名China International Photographic Art Exhibition,简。

adj摄影术的 摄影用的 逼真的 尤指记忆记得详细准确的例句1Moreover, the photographic frame can reveal the unsettling ability to extend and include usin its space另外,摄影的边框还可能显示令人;There was once an elephant who wanted to be a photographer How his friends would laugh when they heard him talk about it! quotHow silly,quot said some, quotthere aren#39t any cameras for elephants!quot quotWhat;歌曲名Photographic 歌手Depeche Mode 专辑Redefining The Prologue Def Leppard photograph lyric edit by huayil I#39m outa luck, outa love Gotta photograph, picture of Passion killer, you#39re too much You#39re;photographic 英 ,f#601#650t#601#39gr#230f#618k 美 #39fot#601#39gr#230f#618kadj 摄影的逼真的尤指记忆详细准确的 短语 photographic film 底片 胶片 照相软片 软片;自拍的英文autodyneselfie一autodyne 英 #39#596t#601#650da#618n美 #39#596to#650da#618nn自拍自差,自差收音机 As for the depth#39s significance in addition,I always think;photography和photographic两个单词,词性不一样前者名词,后者形容词photography 英 f#601#712t#594gr#601fi 美 f#601#712tɑgr#601fin 摄影,摄影术一组照片 photographic 英 #。

[photographic]photographic paper

是说照相照得好?nice picture you look great in the pictureYou are very photogenic你很上相Gorgeous picture!美国人在赞赏别人的照片,特别是小孩或是结婚照时,赞赏的词是好不吝啬的;photographic film 英#716f#601#650t#601#712gr#230f#618k film美#716fot#601#712ɡr#230f#618k f#618lm照相软片胶片 例句In fujifilm #39s case , deflation has;photography 摄影,photographic 摄影的这两个词的原型都是photograph英 #712f#601#650t#601grɑf 美 #712fo#650t#601gr#230fn照片,相片 vt vi为拍照拍照,摄影;照相机camera的读音英#712k#230m#601r#601 美#712k#230m#601r#601, #712k#230mr#601A lightproof case with photographic film that can be loaded directly into a。

photographic exhibition 本人英语六级已过,绝对人工翻译;1photographic interpretation 2photointerpretation 相片时间 1bc posterize time 照片,相片 1photograph 2photo, photograph 航空相片 1aerophotograph 2aerial print picture 高频词,一定要记住哦!英 #712p;Photos 相片 1photograph 2photo 3photo picture 4die aufnahme 相片判读 1photographic interpretation 2photointerpretation 相片时间 1bc posterize time 2time 照片,相片 1photograph 2photo, photograph 航空。

selfie 自拍照尤指那些自拍后上传到社交网站的照片读音#712s#603lf#618例句1My homework was too boring, so I took a selfie and posted it to tumblr做作业太无趣了,所以我拍了一张自拍照。

[photographic]photographic paper