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pn=0html汉化内置 “万维天文望远镜”WorldWide Telescope, WWT由微软公司研发特点界面华丽。


telisk?up 反射式望远镜 reflecting telescope ri#39flekti? 牛顿式反射望远镜 Newtonian reflector 星系 galaxy ? g?l?k?si 行星 planet ? pl?nit 星云 nebula ? nebjul? 双筒望远镜 binoculars bai? 。

於1990年4月27日,哈勃太空望远镜 Hubble Space Telescope的启用,为人类探索太空揭开了新的一页,虽然在制造时出了错误,使影像大打折扣,可是仍对天文学有莫大的贡献 近来,人类对一直只是存在於理论范畴内的黑洞,已透过哈勃太空望远镜。

基于28个网页 Without U如果没有你 Without U如果没有你 Without U 如果没有你 标签页面 Take Your Sweet Time 慢慢来 Without U 如果没有你 Why Don’t You Kiss Her? 为何不亲吻她。

用望远镜 through a telescope讲故事 tell a story辨别,分清 tell one from the other量体温 take one#39s temperature数以万计 tens of thousands of被吓了一跳 be terrified at 因某事感谢某人 be thankful to sb for sth。

Love looks with telescope envy with microscope 爱情大处著眼,忌妒吹毛求疵 Love makes all equal 恋爱不分贵贱 Love makes all hard hearts gentle 爱情把一切冷酷的心变得温柔 Love makes obedience easy 爱情使服从。

With the Hubble Telescope, it was discovered about ten years ago, that there is a place where stars are born in a great spiral that originates at the site of the Pleiades At the outside of the spiral is。


Alibabacom offers 244,984 telescope products About 4% of these are telescope amp binoculars, 1% are other household cleaning tools amp accessories, and 1% are ladders A wide。

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