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简单句就是只含有一个主谓结构并且句子各成分都只由单词或短语构成的独立句子或分句而电报句电报式句子telegraphic sentence,亦称“电报式言语”儿童1 岁半到 2 岁口语发展过程中的不完整的双词或三词组合在一起。

Problem that the report contains an outline of the paper can be a broadbrush, is a study of the idea of the basic framework May be the whole sentence or the entire piece in the form of an outline In the op。

“delivery is choppy, fragmented, or telegraphic frequent pauses and hesitations”这里是说如果你的诉说过程中有太多的停顿,整体给人感觉支离破碎,那么高分也会无情的远离了 C Language use “Range and control of grammar。

They use oneword utterances, or holophrastic sentences to express a concept or predication that would be associated with an entire sentence in adult speech The twoword stage at this stage, children are heard。

Life is unelectric, untelegraphic it is spent more quietly and it is spent at home If you are capable of enjoying tranquillity, at least by way of occasional contrast to the stir and stress of the present age。

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with an entire sentence in adult speech7 telegraphic speech电报式语言 the early speech of children, so called because it lacks the。

everchanging mix of math and telegraphic todo lists But in the upper lefthand corner a boxed sentence lingered for years “What I。


telegraphic style上世纪二三十年代大英帝国的人telegraphic style 就是为了文法的精巧,故意删除一些语法上必要的词,但是总体上。

“telegraphic” speech, in which many words are left out a toddler might say “throw ball” rather than “throw me the ball” This。

“telegraphic” speech, in which many words are left out a kid might say “throw ball” rather than “throw me the ball” This seems to。

句子Unit 21 Postal Service第二十一单元 在邮局Sentence patterns基本句型201 What time does the post office open?邮局什么时候。