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1、or the employee who is that one is in charge of money involves in committing a crime, the police sometimes can make use of measuring lie investigation coming to prove that纯自己翻译,查过了,没问题的;三件套包括 座套,方向盘套,纸质地垫 五件套包括 座套15微米*80cm130cm带两个兜,方向盘套18微米*10cm*60cm,纸质地垫尺寸,70gsm,覆盖380*420mm的聚乙烯薄膜,档杆套18微米*13cm*14cm,手刹保护套;v装在口袋里私吞击球落袋 第三人称单数现在时pockets 现在分词pocketing 过去分词pocketed 过去时pocketed 同义词pouch cavity, hollow ore position in race player benefit sb make money for sb small put;读音英 #643#596#720ts,美 #643#596#720rts短语1Boxer Shorts,拳击短裤2sports shorts 运动短裤,运动裤衩例句The shorts had blue embroidery over the pockets翻译这条;澳大利亚的人们设立了地区让考拉安全生存让考拉呆在他们的家里 把考拉放在树上 在他们的腹袋里抚育小考拉 在他出生以后,小考拉在他母亲的腹袋里面生活6个月后面的意义不明确 for six days 和 for 6 months 一样 all;pockets of 翻译成“零星的”“一点儿”整句翻译为我们不仅仅是看到了零星的才华显然整个亚洲已经开始成为一个真正的卓越创新中心;1 并准备宣誓的誓言我其他傍晚经验的真理2If的混淆裁缝只知道足以使一口袋,让一个人可以得到它3这是诅咒我的小男孩,这其实在我pocketsPerhaps他愚弄我不会温暖他,当我回家4tear由根您的口袋;冲突四起的孤立地区pocket也有“孤立的地区”的意思;I want to invent a foldable minicomputer, this type of computer can be folded, is very small, only a bit bigger than a average cell phone, usually kept in a pocket It can get wireless internet access;a man with his hands in his pockets 或者 a man with his hands buried in his pockets这个比较形象,双手埋在兜里推荐语法have sbsth +adjdone 是固定用法,使某人或某物处于某种状态 have his hair。

2、埃文斯先生在悉尼工作上周他有一个两周的假期,但是他不知道去哪里他对他的朋友罗伯特说,“我讨厌这里的炎热的天气,但我想不出澳大利亚哪里有阴凉的地方我应该去哪里度假?”“这很简单,”罗伯特说,“你可以去莫斯科;making our schedules tighter and our pockets lighters导致我们的计划更紧凑,腰包更瘪翻译完毕 下面是完整的修改部分语句汽车带给我们生活许多不便,例如我们会浪费更多的时间对付交通堵塞,而且我们要花;1pockets英#712p#594k#618ts美#712pɑ#720k#618tsn衣袋 口袋 兜 附在车门上提包内等的小口袋,小容器 钱财 财力 资金v把放进衣袋 攫取 揩油 中饱私囊 挣。


3、前门襟用5颗扣子开系,锁眼加沿条Sand collar all around with small gap at front and rounded collar points,领座一周有小间隙沿着前领和圆领尖 Two inserted chest pockets with pockets flaps前胸插袋带袋盖Two;按之前中的每一块下一个后续任务,使通常更容易和准确如果underpressing经过精心整个服装表演大会,成为最迫切略高于感人注册完成服装2更多样板师 设计者取决于样板师翻译的准确性和天赋他或她的想法,因此样板师是在第一。


4、如果音译是百宝袋则英文为 Deep Pockets 原意为财富深度雄厚的账力财力雄厚 引申意义为百宝袋 例句 1Make sure you have deep pockets一定要有足够的钱才可以2Well, I think Paul has deep pockets我;Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething in America? pockets of seething 词典结果 Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething in America? pockets of seething 有分裂的问题和高涨的美国隐藏的;3毫米磁带于ykk拉链,反向区域具有“干净”的口袋沿条完成。