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medicinepocket翻译-melting pot implies翻译


1、21精选英语名句摘抄带翻译 22闭卷不读,书同废纸堆23Soon#8194learnt,#8194soon#8194forgotten24A#8194lazy#8194youth,#8194a#8194lousy#8194age25与君一席话,胜读十年书26。


3、Schacter解释说 “编码”是一种对事件有特殊关注的方式, 这令你稍後要回想起它时产生重大影响 编码不正确可能制造恼人的情况例如你把手机放在你的口袋中时,因为你在对话中, 并没留意你做了什么,你很可能就此忘了。

medicinepocket翻译-melting pot implies翻译

4、hehe我把全文翻译完了,是自己翻译的,希望我的翻译对你有帮助哦~~1Indeed,we can#39t be live without any money,but we should not extend the hand to government#39s bribe and the bribe。

5、It#39s not your money Don#39t leave it in your pocket 25好汉凭志强,好马凭胆壮 A good man depends on his ambition and a good horse on his courage 26百日连阴雨,总有一朝晴 If it rains for a hundred。


7、Macroporous resin is a kind of do not dissolve in acids, alkalis and various organic solvents of the organic polymers Over the past few years into the application of Traditional Chinese Medicine will have a。


9、1 no creativity Two dead brains get 3 boring 4 a pocket I think I am, I wouldbad 1 the employee has not creativity, the company also is no competition in the market again Update, have been。

10、I was afraid about overweight on the posting, I cut off the buttons and put these into my pocket Chang E borned a baby, since I don#39t know the baby is a boy or a girl, so I don#39t know you#39r。

11、The strength of a man is the RMB in the pocket 17人生贵知心,定交无暮早 Life is dear to your heart, and it is early 18人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能复返 Life doesn#39t sell back and forth, and。

12、I send you to the coat, because be afraid of, mail, so the buttons overweight cut down and put in coat pocketYou were taught relatively late, remember to 12 read more books, multipurpose idiom, lest。


14、the wooden rackets like pasting layer of leather or cork Rubber rackets British gourdes first invented and used One day, the gourde ball after the race, on his way home to a drugstore to buy medicine。

15、我们已经谈论了druglikeness”作为一种理念,但是大量 制药行业审议倾向于关注 leadlikeness的概念这个想法,首次提出Teague通过 李玮,是过程的优化制剂撞上一个 畅销药物倾向于驱动分子量起来这是一种 寻找增加的结果,它是。

16、when the spending plan to do the weekly pocket money, The monthly payments, so that my son was little, establish a business sense eventually became IBM#39s chief executive officer create a sound financial prac。

17、saw many people frustrate repeatedly in the work, runs into a wall unceasingly in the human communication, most importantly the pocket gets out of trouble in the opposite sex transfers and has a bad husband t。


medicinepocket翻译-melting pot implies翻译