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battlement翻译,participate in battle翻译


1、译文一 群山依旧,环绕着废弃的故都,潮水如昔,拍打着寂寞的空城淮水东边,古老而清冷的圆月,夜半时分,窥视这昔日的皇宫 译文二 城的东南西三面,依旧绵亘着高低起伏的群山,它那虎踞龙盘的姿态并未改变。

2、Exagonal nut, washer, nut battlements exagonal螺母,垫圈,螺母部署士兵。

3、你好,翻译结果如下1, he cans not receive an easy rest until he starts taking going fishing as joy2, did you reason in English while speaking English?3, the regina will visit the battlement in May。

4、hills still remainsThe tides pound the hollow city and return disconsolateTo the east of the Qinhuai River the same moon, as ever before,In the depth of night rises again over the battlements。


battlement翻译,participate in battle翻译

6、I can almost feel the cool breeze on my face as I imagine myself strolling along the battlements, peering out from the watchtowers, and imagining the soldiers who once guarded this mighty fortificationNot only does。

7、resembles with the city wall battlement, on the callus mouth is having a big tooth to trample steadily, extends seems elephant#39s long tooth, the chin cleavage”, “between two shoulders the peak greatly humpb。

8、The city country margin is an outstanding problem within economic and social developmentIn recent years, my province city margin appears to extend the trend, the main performance is in city country residents#39。

9、Battlements line the uppermost portion of the vast majority of the wall, with defensive gaps a little over a foot tall, and about 9 inches in widthThe steps that form the Great Wall of China are very steep and。


11、你好这位朋友,你的这两句话应该是出自Nightmare or Nyx,作者Pen Stroke以及Batty Gloom第一句的主语It指的是Darkness你可以看一下原文的前两句因此,这句话是在说黑夜开始降临,正在此时,夜幕中苍白的光影照亮了。

12、like a wide road, five or six horses in parallel walls two meters tall outer edge of the rows of battlements battlements on the lookmouth and shot a square mouth, for observation and shooting purposes。

13、来自雪河的人 五弦琴帕特森 在车站有运动,因为这个字到处传递 从老后悔的柯尔特逃跑了,和已经加入了野生布什马他的身价是一千英镑,所以所有的裂痕已聚集的热闹所有的尝试,指出从车站乘客远近 已经召集在宅地一夜之间。

14、建筑的风格, 适当地叫做尖的, 那在来自迟的 C12 的欧洲 和法国的出发 进展了直到 C16,甚至逗留直到一些地方的 C17 和 C18它是尖拱门的建筑学, 尖的肋骨窖 , 和桥束柱的群的码头, 深入地支持扶臂。

battlement翻译,participate in battle翻译
