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or linen cloth with a striped or check pattern 7oolong 乌龙茶 a kind of tea 8predecessor 前任 person who held an office or position before sb else 9undiscovered 未知的,未被发现的 not be found;1应为put many efforts 2hesitate asking是不好意思提问的意思,虚心请教用“consult in an open mindquot比较合适所以第一句的第二并列部分宜改为and always consulted with predecessor in an open mind3apply是。

predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r美#712pred#601ses#601rn前任,前辈原有事物,前身古祖先 例句Lefkofsky had some stern words for his cofounder and predecessor quot莱夫科;meeting 附association 简明英汉词典E7sEusi5eiFEnn协会, 联合, 结交, 联想 meeting 简明英汉词典5mitiNn会议, 集会, 会见, 会战, 汇合点 明白区别了吗补充predecessor senior是形容词,不能直接形容。

produse produce startling不知道想表达什么意 dependent是形容词,这里应该用depend ,predecessor用的不地道, each simple in itself缺乏谓语,不知道想表达什么,If after 可以把if去掉,one simply and knocks 这个;这个词在数处版本被译为“predecessor”从字面上解释它的确没错,但是我觉得用“Alumni”更合适你看看这场合是校庆啊,所谓“前辈先贤”说的当然是浙大校友而不是泛指所有作过贡献的前人了如果在自家校庆里还为别人家的成就鼓掌献花。


no wander you’re not hungry,翻译成中文意思是,难怪你不饿 重点词汇释义 wander漫步 徘徊 游荡 流浪 漫游 闲逛 漂泊 偏离 走失 离散 走神 神志恍惚 开小差 溜达not不 构成动词bedo和have;一般使用“predecessor”表示公司的前身,在括号中的说明也用“former”例如中信重型机械公司前洛阳矿山机械厂Zhongxin Heavy Duty Mechanical CompanyFormer Luoyang MINING MACHINE MANCFACTOR COLTD而“中信重型机械。

Personal contacts, quotthe older generationquot system Toyota#39s participation in the work order for the new employees become familiar with the new environment, I have put forward quota warm welcome to new employees,quot;its predecessor,quot Newton heath, quotin 1878 by the Lancashire and Yorkshire railways company workers in Newton heath was established at the construction siteTeam reorganized and renamed Manchester united in 1902, pr。

该密码是由两名比利时译解密码,琼Daemen和Vincent Rijmen ,并提交给AES公司甄选过程,称为“ Rijndael算法” ,一个皮包的姓名发明者 Rijndael算法是显着 r#603inda #720升 4 不同的加密。


US Democratic Party is one of the two major US political parties, its predecessor was founded in 1792 Jefferson Democratic Republican Party, the main representative of the founding of the early Southern。

真确的句子应该是这样This book and its predecessor are perfect for students这本书和它的前者指的可能是该书的前集,或该书作者的前一部作品最适合学生们了。

but is called frequently by the modern internal public figure modern Mustang, this vehicle has substituted frontwheel drive Tiburon coupe, if but as a result of it predecessor not any common ground, simultaneou。

predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r 美#712pred#601ses#601rn 前任,前辈 原有事物,前身 lt古祖先网络 前任 前驱 前身例句He maintained that he learne。


指的是每个活动的关系,包括开始开始,结束结束,开始结束和结束开始四种;Third, focus on practice, the move to a new波利亚说“学习任何知识的最佳途径是通过自己的实践活动去发现,因为这样发现理解最深,也最容易掌握内在的规律性质和联系”英语课程标准实验稿强调以人为本。