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1、On the other hand, the mindset of service factor is that motor output constant And no margin to be added to speed torque But thermal capability and cooling capability must keep temperature rise lower than;mindset 英#712ma#618ndset美#712ma#618ndsetn观念模式,思维倾向,心态例句1That mindset did not help berkshire navigate the financial crisis unscathed但这种心态未能帮助伯克希尔逃脱金融;汉语翻译n 观点, 景色, 前途, 了望经 展望英语解释名词 outlooka habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations 同义词mentality, mindset;It is a mindset you must focus to build, but the payoff is seeing your ideas and goals come to fruition其实就是the payoff is to see your;2 creates the cultural conflict phenomenon the reason to inquireinto Creates the China and the West culture conflict phenomenon thereason many and varied, investigates its fundamentally, is becauseChina and the。



3、“成长型思维”的提出者,是斯坦福大学著名心理学教授 Carol Dweck她还为此专门写了一本书,并受到比尔盖茨的推崇,书的英文名叫mindset,翻译成中文就叫做终身成长Carol Dweck在书中列举了大量案例,分析了教育;Brounding Thinking是英文跳跃性思维的翻译,专指飘忽不定的思维与活跃的想法,简写BT;人民网的英文版把“佛系青年”翻译为“Buddhalike youngsters”,用于具体说明的关键字 是casual and calm mindset,所以“佛系青年”还可以用youngsters with casual and calm mindset来表示佛系的心态用英文大概可以解释为;I got good grades because I studied hard at school study English and pass the test ,then become a qualified postgraduate the mindset will change as long as you expand your visionthis familiar place makes。

4、growth mindset 网络意思成长心态 成长型思维模式 发展型的心理定向例句There has been much fanfare about the introduction of new environmental benchmarks, but there is scant evidence of any genuine change;这句话也可以理解为清醒地审视你自己,所以翻译过来就是 Assess yourself clearly;过去总是怕英文原著对孩子们来说太难,看来今后我可以给他们看简爱之类的原著了02 在班级开研讨会 用研讨会的形式让孩子们参与到脑科学学习中来,知道自己的大脑是可以改变的让他们明白暂时的不足,没什么可;are the unexpected outcomes of that subscribe to the “nonjudgmental” mindset dominating that feeling good warrants morality excuses students from criticizing and disciplining their own behaviors emphasizing practice instead。

5、The Economist 2009年10月03日的原文,呵呵大体意思是“中国在中等国家的思维模式下已经有了大国的实力,可肩上承担的却是小国的责任”;我的心思很简单,不是小严就是想发财 My simple mindedness can invariably be classified into a bit of selfstrictness and a dream of making fortune。
