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The Ming Dynasty was the last dynasty to build the Great Wall Today most of the Great Wall people see is built at this time长城,又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事防御工程,是一道高大坚固而连绵不断的长垣“。

The Great Wall, also known as the Great Wall, is a military fortification in ancient China It is a tall, solid and continuous wall to limit the movement of the enemy长城,又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事。

The great wall 是长城的意思单词解析一great 英 gre#618t 美 ɡretadj伟大的,杰出的优异的,显著的很多的重大的 adv口语很好地令人满意地,成功地,顺利地得意地 1The room had。

长城的英语是The Great Wall,读作英#240#601#240i gre#618t w#596#720l美#240#601#240i ɡret w#596l双语例句1你绝不能错过长城 You should。


长城Great Wall,又称万里长城长城 1拼音 cháng chéng2介绍长城Great Wall,又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事防御工程,是一道高大坚固而连 绵不断的长垣,用以限隔敌骑的行动长城不是一道单纯。


the great wall 长城万里长城 例句 1The Great Wall is often regarded as the symbol of Chinese culture and history长城常被看作是中国文化和历史的象征2The Great Wall run across the desert, over the。

1下面长城的英语介绍主要从长城的重要性和特点进行阐述,具体如下The Great Wall is a symbol of the Chinese nation It is more than 12,000 miles long and is one of the greatest buildings in the world The。