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1、小题1modern小题2matches小题3buying小题4from小题5study小题6over小题7knowledge小题8enough小题9of小题10Besides 试题分析小题1根据Television has changed people’s life much since it was inv。

2、Television has changed our life much since it was invented Now it has become one important part of modern lifeBut should students watch TV ?Students can see some plays, some stories, some sports matches。

3、C A C D C D A B B D === 恕我直言,这篇完型写的很烂,感觉像中国人写的。

4、let the life of people rich, interesting So television is a great invention that changed the world电视是由苏格兰人约翰·洛吉·贝尔德于1925年发明的人们把约翰·洛吉·贝尔德在伦敦的一次实验中“扫描”出木偶的图。

5、汉译英,好辛苦啊,利用上班吃早餐的时间翻译的一定要加分哦Under the guidance of Strategic that to prosper the country through scientific and educational advances ,in Chinahas been television has changed。

6、the Advantages and Disadvantages of TV We have to admit that TV has brought great changes to our lifeAlmost everyday,we watch all kinds of programs on TVWe need them as well as enjoy themTV can。

7、way the way thatpeople live表示人们的生活方式,笼统概述,不提及具体方法,单数即可。

8、写作思路可以根据当今的实际情况进行阐述,比如网络可以视频,可以购物等等,中心要明确正文Since the Internet began a few years ago, our lives have changed dramatically With the Internet, you can get to know。

9、C Borodia的电视销量不变,但是装配工却减少了所以得出结论,Borodia从Vernland每年进口的电视机有所增加C的意思是说,在Borodia生产的效率不会有太大的提高,这样的话,装配工减少就可以认为是产量的减少,所以得出结论。

10、省略了that 的宾语从句,不省略也不会算错的。

11、The way we access our entertainment has changed drastically thanks to the Internet Television, books, and music found on the Internet are much more cost effective, but this may change Recently Netflix altered。


12、你的选择是对的,答案为DA中的As long as是个固定短语,意思是“只要”,也可以说so long asA项的意思是“只要众所周知”,不和题意排除掉 本句句意众所周知,电视在现代生活中起着重要作用希望能帮到。


13、若能开机进入Windows1有可能是中病毒了,用瑞星或卡巴斯基杀毒 2用超级兔子查看可疑进程并终止 3删除可疑文件,进程所在的注册表位置regedit和启动项位置msconfig4插入Windows安装盘,静观其变 若。

14、不对so much放在changed后面,表示改变很大She has changed so much。

15、2Not only is television boring, but also it waste a lot of time Δtime 作为时间为不可属名词,times 表示次数倍数时代3Not only has our society changed but also have the people in。

16、作文1My life has been changed by television because I can know more information on television For example , the important events happen and some accidents happen in some places What#39s more , I can。